The “Product Owner” represents the interests of the stakeholder community to the Scrum Team. The Product Owner is responsible for ensuring clear communication of product or service functionality requirements to the Scrum Team, defining Acceptance Criteria, and ensuring those criteria are met. The Product Owner must always maintain a dual view. He or she must understand and support the needs and interests of all stakeholders, while also understanding the needs and workings of the Scrum Team.
Exam Format
Multiple choice
180 minutes duration
140 questions per exam
Proctored online exam.
Current pass rate: 93%
No negative marks for wrong answers
One mark awarded for every right answer
Key Features
6 months access
Expert tutor support
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Fully mobile compatible
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Increase your earning potential by 25%
PMI Pdu’s (Professional development units)
Scrum Fundamentals Training and Examination
Scrum Product Owner Training and Examination
Certification Hierarchy
“SCRUMstudy” certified professionals help organizations with improved level of project management that leads to increased ROI. They have knowledge pertaining to and can anticipate issues related to the practical implementation of scrum.
Though there is no mandatory prerequisite for most of the SCRUMstudy certifications, it is always better to understand the hierarchy structure. The diagram below shows you what is the preferred as well as optional certification to move to the next level.
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The Mobile app seamlessly complements the online experience of students who might also be using computers or laptops for their study.
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