Rapid changes in technology, market demands, and expectations have paved the way for the conceptualization and implementation of Agile methods and values in many organizations. Agile relies on adaptive planning and iterative development and delivery. It focuses primarily on the value of people in getting the job done effectively. “Agile Master Certified” Professionals should appreciate the concepts of Agile development and have the ability to compare and choose the Agile methodology appropriate in a given situation.
Exam Format
Multiple choice
120 minutes duration
100 multiple choice questions
Proctored online exam
One mark awarded for every right answer
No negative marks for wrong answers
Current Pass Rate: 96%
Key Features
6 months access
Expert tutor support
Fully mobile compatible
2 Examination Retakes Voucher
Increase your earning potential by 25%
Exam simulator & revision modules
PMI Pdu’s (Professional development units)
Scrum Fundamentals Training and Examination
Scrum Product Owner Training and Examination
Physical Books
Study Material
SAMC Student Workbook:A comprehensive workbook providing covering syllabus areas concerned with SCRUM study Agile Master Certified as defined in the SBOK. The workbook covers topics on different flavours of Agile including Scrum, XP, TDD, FDD among others.
SAMC Chapter Test Booklet: 30 pages – Delegates can discuss as well as clarify their doubts during the interactive session after each chapter while they are given feedback on areas of improvement. Chapter Test booklet also contains justifications for all the sample and chapter questions.
SAMC Student Case Study Booklet: This includes a real-life scenario and relevant questions around a new product development – online sales website. This helps candidates with the practical understanding of the concepts learnt.
Agile One Pager: This contains some of the most important concepts in relevant to Agile methodologies.
Scrum estimation cards:Estimation cards for classroom exercises helping candidates understand how to estimate different tasks in a Scrum project.
Scrum Body of Knowledge (SBOK™ Guide), which is the definitive guide for Scrum: A Guide to the Scrum Body of Knowledge (SBOK™ Guide) provides guidelines for the successful implementation of Scrum-the most popular Agile product development and project delivery methodology.
Certification Hierarchy
“SCRUMstudy” certified professionals help organizations with improved level of project management that leads to increased ROI. They have knowledge pertaining to and can anticipate issues related to the practical implementation of scrum. Though there is no mandatory prerequisite for most of the SCRUMstudy certifications, it is always better to understand the hierarchy structure. The diagram below shows you what is the preferred as well as optional certification to move to the next level.
Why Scrum ?
Mobile App
The “VMEdu” Mobile App allows all its registered students for its several brands to study using mobile phones and tablets. Students can use this mobile app to access their courses, view videos and study guides, understand and memorize terms & concepts using flash-cards, practice test questions and use other features of the mobile app to enhance their learning.